
About me

How I became a...

The 3 R's in my life keep me plenty busy. They are Reiki, Writing, and Relationships. Here in Oregon, I have a natural healing practice called The Reiki Room where I offer treatments and Reiki Training. I've been writing freelance since 1999 when I had an op-ed on sweepstaking published by The Oregonian. (They even paid me!) I haven't stopped writing since. More recently I've begun proofreading and copy editing professionally, and I love the work. Give me a misspelled word to correct, a comma to delete or a phrase to rework, and I'm a happy woman!

Relationships are a high priority of mine, and I treasure the ones I have with family, friends, and co-workers.

I started copy editing and proofreading professionally in 2004 when a woman hired me to make sure all the copy and text on her website was clean. Unfortunately, her website never got off the ground. But, fortunately, Novelspot rose from the rubble, and I was asked to be the resident copy editor here. I adore the people I'm working with and will do my part to make this an exceptional book review site.

My taste in books:

Favorite authors:

Most of what I read is nonfiction. I just finished Public Vows by Nancy F. Cott. I now know more about the history of marriage in the U.S. than I need to know. But it was an eye opener, that's for sure. The book I read before that one was Writing the Memoir by Judith Barrington. One of my favorite novels is The Kin of Ata Are Waiting For You by Dorothy Bryant. I pick it up again every few years.

In fiction I like Carol Shields, Dostoevsky, Hemingway, George Eliot, Anne Tyler, Dorothy Bryant, . . . In nonfiction I like Viktor Frankl, Thich Nhat Hanh, Eckhart Tolle, Anne Lamott, . . .

What makes a book a keeper?

What makes me throw a book at the wall?

There's no one thing. The words have to grab hold, twist me up a bit, make me think and feel and want.

There has been the occasional book that's bored me to the point of never picking it up again. That always makes me sad.

My favorite genre and why?

My least favorite genre and why?

I'm turned off by poor sentence structure and a lack of passion. Even my new favorite bedtime read--Garner's Modern American Useage--reveals the author's passion for language.

It's not a genre, but my least favorite type of reading is anything about fashion and make-up. Not my cup of tea, nope, sure isn't.

My bathroom library:

My to be read list:

I never read in the bathroom. But I have several books bedside: Vietnam Doctor by Dr. James W. Turpin; Traumatic Stress, The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society by several editors; Garner's Modern American Useage; and Ernest Hemingway, The Short Stories.

Still waiting to be started are: Running with the Bulls by Valerie Hemingway; The God Particle by Leon Lederman; and It's Always Something by Gilda Radner.

My favorite links:

My favorite reading snack:

Most of my time online is spent hanging out with other writers on various freelance writing lists.

Chocolate. Anything chocolate. While writing and reading this I went through 1/4 bag of Hershey's Nuggets with toffee and almonds. mm mm mm. Oops, just ate the last one. I guess that's all for now. Bye.

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